Things to consider before order Dell Latitude E6500 Laptop Battery
Every laptop battery is given a power rating in order to show you, the consumer, about how long your Dell Latitude E6500 Notebook Battery should last before it needs to be recharged. These electrical specifications are given using volts (V) and milliAmps (mAh). For example, you may see your Dell Latitude E6500 Laptop Battery is given a rating of: 11.1V, 4800mAh.
Volts and milliAmp hours are used because they measure the amount of energy used by a Dell Latitude E6500 battery. A volt (V) is a measurement used for the amount of pressure the positive and negative electrodes produce in a laptop battery pack during the process of discharging energy. Amps (A) measure the amount of resistance the energy in your Dell Latitude E6500 battery produces in order to power a laptop.
You may also notice that increasing the size of the pipe and shower head without having to open the faucet all the way will produce similar results.This is an example of the amount of resistance in the flow of energy. Measuring this resistance is measured in terms of amps. In terms of a Dell Latitude E6500 battery, the amount of resistance is dependant on the size of the Dell latitude laptop battery and the amount of energy inside.
Laptop ratings are given in terms of amp hours (Ah). Amp hours measure the length of time a Dell laptop battery will discharge energy before it needs charging. In order to adequately measure v, manufacturers use milliAmp hours (mAh). This means that every 1000mAh is equal to 1Ah. What does this mean for your new Dell Latitude E6400 Notebook Battery? If your original Dell Latitude E6500 battery is measured at 2500mAh and your replacement Dell laptop battery is measured at 5000mAh, then your Dell Latitude E6500 Battery run time will double.
Keep in mind that technology constantly changes. Your old Dell E6500 Battery may be rated at a lower run time than a newer one because of technological advancements that have produced longer lasting laptop batteries.
One way of conserving Dell Latitude E6500 battery is to go to your Power Management settings icon in the Control Panel. You can shut off settings or programs you do not use. Also consider dimming your screen and shutting off your wireless card when you don’t need it. In this way, you can save your Dell Latitude E6500 battery a lot.
Top Things to Know Before Buying a Spare Laptop Battery
There are many laptop batteries manufacturers. However, your biggest concern in purchasing a laptop battery will be to choose the battery that fits your laptop computer. For this you will need to know the make and model number of your laptop; if you don’t know this offhand or don’t have the necessary paperwork, check the inside of your laptop’s battery compartment while the notebook is off and unplugged. There you should find the model number, along with some other information. You may also find the part number of your laptop battery, located on the casing of the battery itself.