Dell Precision M6400 is a mobile workstation that offers the latest in fast hardware to crunch data for design, animation and engineering users. Residing in its aluminium chassis are an Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU, NVIDIA Quadro graphics, 4GB of RAM and 500GB of storage.
Its standard laptop battery will last over 2hr 13min. You can quickly check how much battery life remains by pushing a button on the battery. It illuminates a level indicator with five dots; the more dots displayed, the more life the battery has left.
Check the Charge of a Dell precision m6400 laptop battery instructions
1. Take the laptop out of its case, make sure it is off and not in sleep mode. Flip it over onto it’s top so you are looking at the bottom.
2. To identify the notebook battery: Newer models have it underneath. Look for a gray or black rectangle. Older models may have it at the front, where you put CD drives and such.
3. For the newer ones that have the laptop battery on the bottom, look on theĀ Dell Latitude E6500 Battery for a little white rectangle with 5 lights on it. There will be a button next to them. Push it. The lights will come on. The number of lights will give you an estimation on how much it has left.5-Full. 4-80%. 3-60%. 2-40%. 1-20%. None-0%. If it is a half, the lights will stay on and the last one will blink. 4+1=90%. 3+1=70%. 2+1=50%. 1+1 =30%.